What is Periodontitis?
Periodontitis, or gum disease, presents itself in hideous ways such as bad breath, bleeding gums, and tooth loss. It can be difficult to treat, which is why it is best to raise any concerns you may have in order to treat it early before the condition develops further.
You might notice symptoms yourself, or your dentist might observe them during a normal checkup. Your dentist will refer you to get a full periodontal assessment to diagnose the disease. Depending on the severity, this may be done by your dentist, a specialist periodontist, or a dental hygienist.
During a full assessment, the dentist or specialist will look at:
- The health of your teeth and gums, including gum pocket depth.
- The level of plaque on the teeth and gums and the level of hard calculus.
- Bone levels on an x-ray
- The way you bite.
- Internal bone structure.
Your dentist or specialist might vary the assessment, depending on your circumstances. The procedure may be slightly invasive, so if you experience any pain or discomfort, we can administer a local anaesthetic. At the end of the assessment, you will have a clear diagnosis of if you are suffering from gum disease, and a recommendation for treatment.
Recommended treatments may vary, but it’s likely you will be referred for scaling or full-mouth disinfection (depending on your level of gum disease).
For a breakdown of treatments and pricing, see the table below:
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