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To Our Patients – Coronavirus Announcements

Synergy Dental Clinic has been there for you through thick and thin – especially for those pesky cavities. Rest assured, we’ll be here for you to keep you well informed during the current global crisis

* As of 30/03/2020, all information is up-to-date and gleaned from trusted, accredited sources on the current coronavirus pandemic. Updated information will be added/removed as and when it is released

To our loyal patients,

As many of you are well aware, the recent emergence of the novel coronavirus (termed COVID-19) has seen countries across the world thrust into panic and chaos as the number of confirmed cases sores with, what feels like, no end in sight. At Synergy Dental Clinic, we understand the concern patients are feeling, we want to be here for you with support and advice as much as we possibly can. These are trying times for us all, and people are looking for information to rely on. For the future, we will always strive to provide you with ongoing services for advice and guidance of both dental advice and recent COVID-19 information.

We’re committed to bringing you the most updated information on how it will be impacting local dental practice, as well as advising you using the best sources – avoid ALL information you see on social media and only take guidance from trusted, reliable sources. We urge people to do this because we understand the state of anxiety many are in with the ever-changing media landscape, and government and scientific advice. Some of the details on our blog could become outdated, but we will always strive to bring you the latest guidance and information as quickly as we possibly can. Keep up to date with our social media and the blog section for the most recent updates.

A bit about the coronavirus itself

A form of viral pneumonia, now referred to as COVID-19 as of 11/02/2020, was first brought to the attention of the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 31/12/2020. It was quickly identified as a new respiratory illness affecting the lungs and airways and was initially identified in the province of Wuhan, China. As it is constantly stated from multiple sources, the virus usually only triggers a mild reaction, if any, in the majority of the cases. It may sound good that a lot of people do not suffer fatally from this disease, but there is still a percentage of the population that will suffer severe illness or even die from the coronavirus.

The majority of the cases requiring hospitalisation involved patients over the ages of 60 years, but this doesn’t mean that the rest of the population will get off lightly. The illness should be treated seriously by everyone, as it is in the interest of the nation to curve the spread, protect the most vulnerable in our society, and be wary of the impact this is going to have on our NHS. The best way that any of us can play a role during this pandemic is to be constantly aware of what the government is telling us, which is led strongly by expert scientific advice.

Getting accurate coronavirus information

The reason clear, factual information is important now more than ever is that misinformation can be spread at a rapid rate. During an international scale pandemic, anxieties are heightened, and people are far more likely to trust information that they might otherwise not consider. Devoted to the spread of factual information, WHO has set-up a WhatsApp messaging service where you can gather updated and accurate information as it comes out. Simply text ‘hi’ to +41 79 893 18 92 for all this advice to your phone. For other languages and numbers, click here.

As the NHS website suggests, you should be able to self-diagnose with the coronavirus yourself. If you are suffering from a sudden fever, a new persistent cough, or both, you should immediately self-isolate for 7 days from the first day you show symptoms. If you live with other people, the whole household, including yourself, should immediately isolate for 14 days. The Government stated, on the 23/03/2020, that people must stay home apart from for ‘very limited purposes’. These purposes are as follows (view the full government advice here):

  • shopping for essentials, but keep this to a minimum;
  • to do one form of exercise every day (walk, run, cycle, etc);
  • for medicine or medical requirements, like visiting a pharmacy or delivering medicine to a vulnerable person;
  • and to travel to and from work, but only when it is necessary (work from home if you can).

These are, of course, very strict measures that the Government and the police will be enforcing through penalty fines and disbursing the public when it might be necessary. Now is the time to isolate if you haven’t got a very valid reason not to. This way, we hope that the curve can be flattened enough to keep our NHS functioning and to protect those at risk during this incredibly trying time.

How has it affected us?

This has affected, and will continue to affect, us significantly, but the importance of our employees and our patients will always be at the forefront of our minds. The past few days, our management teams and accountancy departments have banded together in the face of adversity, and they tried to put each one of our employees’ best interests in mind and to keep Synergy Dental Group alive throughout this crisis.

For the future…

On a brighter note, Synergy Dental is trying to remain in the minds and hearts of those who have been with us for a very long time – and even the newer faces! To do what little we can, we have worked incredibly hard to flesh out a system that will allow patients to consult with dentists either through video chat or over the phone! It gives those of you who are quite worried about your dental health to have a 1-to-1 with your dentist from your living room!

We’ve been hard at work thinking about ways we can make a bad situation at least a little bit better, and we’re committed to keeping our (virtual) doors open, being easily assessable to those of you who need us, and looking positively at the future…

Keep updated with all our announcements via our social media channels and the Synergy website, and keep safe and healthy.

We hope to see you all very soon,

The Synergy Family

Unsure about your dental health? Call your nearest Synergy Dental Clinic and we’ll be happy to help.