Paige Littlechild

Paige is our head receptionist at Synergy Preston and has been with us for over 3 years. Before coming to work for us, she trained in aesthetics at Perfect Pout Training Academy, and practices aesthetics on weekends. 

Even though she isn’t directly involved in dentistry, Paige does her bit to help nervous patients by welcoming them with a friendly face and a big smile. Finding ways to make people laugh and put their mind at ease as soon as they walk through the door is Paige’s specialty. 

When it comes to relaxing after work, Paige is a big believer in the healing powers of a long, hot bubble bath, followed up with an addictive, bingeable TV show. 

Outside of work, you can usually find Paige helping others through her fundraising for St Catherine’s Hospice, although her favourite thing in the world is travelling. She’s visited most of Europe, parts of the US, and Africa. She loves travel so much that if she hadn’t worked for Synergy, she would’ve liked to jet off and live the glamorous life of a long-haul flight attendant, so she could get paid to travel the world. Her dream is to spend her retirement hopping from ship to ship on a giant world cruise.

Photo Coming Soon

Paige Littlechild

Photo Coming Soon

Paige is our head receptionist at Synergy Preston and has been with us for over 3 years. Before coming to work for us, she trained in aesthetics at Perfect Pout Training Academy, and practices aesthetics on weekends. 

Even though she isn’t directly involved in dentistry, Paige does her bit to help nervous patients by welcoming them with a friendly face and a big smile. Finding ways to make people laugh and put their mind at ease as soon as they walk through the door is Paige’s specialty. 

When it comes to relaxing after work, Paige is a big believer in the healing powers of a long, hot bubble bath, followed up with an addictive, bingeable TV show. 

Outside of work, you can usually find Paige helping others through her fundraising for St Catherine’s Hospice, although her favourite thing in the world is travelling. She’s visited most of Europe, parts of the US, and Africa. She loves travel so much that if she hadn’t worked for Synergy, she would’ve liked to jet off and live the glamorous life of a long-haul flight attendant, so she could get paid to travel the world. Her dream is to spend her retirement hopping from ship to ship on a giant world cruise. 

Before and after

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