Bleeding gums – How do I know if I have Gingivitis?

Are your gums red, swollen or tender? Do they bleed when you brush your teeth? Have you ever woken up tasting blood or with blood on the pillow? All of the above are classic signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis is reversible inflammation caused by the accumulation of plaque and food debris around the gingival margin (where the gum and tooth meet). Plaque bacteria in our mouths feeds on sugar from the food that we eat and produce toxins which irritate the gums causing them to bleed. Gingivitis can cause bad breath and if left untreated can lead to periodontal disease which includes – gum recession, pocketing and eventually mobility of the teeth.

Preventing gingivitis is easy if you follow a good oral hygiene routine.
Brush two times daily, especially before bed with a toothpaste containing fluoride (1350ppm). Fluoride concentration can be found on the reverse of your toothpaste tube.

Clean between the teeth with interdental aids such as floss or tepe brushes. The spaces between the teeth are perfect areas for plaque to stick.

Have regular check ups with your dentist

If plaque is not effectively removed, it can harden and become calcu­lus (calcified plaque) which cannot be removed with brushing alone. If this is the case you should give synergy dental a call to arrange a professional clean and seek advice on an oral hygiene routine that will work for you.

• Effective brushing – Twice a day, two minutes each time.
• Flossing – Once a day, dislodges trapped food and bacteria.
• Brush the tongue – Clean that bacteria breeding ground.
• Mouthwash and chewing gum – They will help but will not do the hard work for you.
• Regular dental check-ups – Identify problems and help you maintain good oral health.
• Keep hydrated – Plenty of water, and avoid sugary drinks.
• Stop smoking – Bad breath, gum disease, oral cancer. Need I say more?

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