Ask the experts

Our dentists don’t just help patients of Synergy Dental with dental advice. They like to give free dental advice to the general public in their local vicinities by answering questions to some of the most common problems that they face. Our dentists give advice on how to protect enamel, root canal facts, whiter smile tips, how to treat bad breath, gum disease and many more dental conditions.

It all looks good for Synergy dental team

A dental group in Bolton has been recognised for its wider contribution to the beauty industry. Under founder and clinical director Dr Zuber Bagasi, Synergy Dental has been developing the range of aesthetic treatments on offer across their locations. And their drive has been rewarded with the Dental Practice of …

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Patient’s new handcrafted smile

To give people with missing teeth a second chance at a confident life requires a lot of skill. Luckily, at award-winning dental group – Synergy Dental – qualified professionals are ready to help. Synergy’s implantologists take pride in the work they do, and the lives they change. Patients who choose …

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Ask The Experts-Protecting the enamel

Protecting enamel

ASK THE EXPERTS Protecting enamel Q. What is tooth enamel and can it be restored if it gets damaged? A. Basically, tooth enamel is the natural outer covering of the crown of a tooth which is the hardest natural substance in the human body. It is what you see when …

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Ask The Experts-xray the facts

X-rays: the facts

ASK THE EXPERTS X-rays: The Facts Q. Are there any health risks from having dental X-rays? A. In a nutshell, the answer to that question is no. There have been no proven studies or diagnoses of health conditions that have directly been caused by having X-rays of your teeth. There …

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Ask The Experts-Tips for festival-goers

Tips for festival-goers

ASK THE EXPERTS Tips for festival-goers Q. I’m off to a couple of festivals soon – any tips on how I can look after my teeth on the go? A. With the excitement that going to a music festival brings, you can be forgiven for not packing the right essentials …

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