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Case Study: Getting Implants on the Same Day

Losing teeth can be a difficult and stressful time in anyone’s life. Statistically speaking, 2.63% of adults aged 20 to 34 have no remaining teeth, while this figure goes up to 10.13% when looking at the age range of 50 to 64 (NIH). Dentists are, thankfully, well prepared these problems, and they aim to make the treatment as non-intrusive and quick as possible.

One of Synergy’s former patients, Michael, was a self-referral to Dr Bagasi. At 31 years old, Michael’s teeth suffered from neglect and poor dental hygiene for many years, and this led him to book a visit with the Synergy team. After suffering from discomfort with his current denture, his situation escalated to the onset of periodontal disease.

Michael was recommended to have his remaining afflicted teeth removed and to have a permanent upper implant-retained bridge fitted. Which initiated the relevant stages to get his new set of teeth.

Assessment Stage

An important part of any implant treatment is the assessment stage, and this was no different for Michael. A CT scanned assessment was done of the patient so that Dr Bagasi could assess the patient’s bone level, potential infections, nerve position, and more. This assessment confirmed that Michael’s circumstances were suited for implant surgery and was given the all-clear to go forward with the treatment.

The CT scanned image also forms part of Synergy’s surgery methods. Having a ‘keyhole’ like approach to surgery, Dr Bagasi was able to reduce the risks and potential complications for Michael’s treatment.

A final report summed up everything for Michael, including the diagnosis, the treatment being proposed, cost, timescale, risks, and benefits.

Implant Appointment

Michael and Dr Bagasi completed each of the prerequisite tasks with ease. In a very short time frame, they had made the surgical implant placement appointment, which can be booked for either the full morning or the full afternoon. Fitting the implants is very simple and took approximately 30 minutes for Dr Bagasi to complete each implant. The surgery went very smoothly and to plan, and with the help of Synergy’s CT guided surgery method, Michael had marginally less swelling and discomfort than what would have been the case if the surgery had taken place without it.

After treatment, the patient can have either a temporary denture or a temporary fixed bridge. Michael decided on a temporary bridge, which allowed him to walk home after the implant surgery with a new pair for teeth.

Healing Stage

After implant treatments, patients are given the correct care advise, which includes giving the implants time to heal and integrate correctly with the bone. This process takes roughly 3 months to complete, but with temporary bridges fitted (or dentures in some circumstances), Michael wasn’t left without teeth, and he was able to go about his life feeling much more confident.

Impressions and Testing Stage

Once healing is complete, the bridge then needs to be constructed completely uniquely for your mouth. Michael was back in 3 months ready for the impressions stage of the treatment. This began with posts being placed into the implants to measure where the implants were positioned.

A full impression, using a completely customised impression tray, was then done. This allowed the bridge to be fully customised to Michael’s mouth.

The next stage was to verify the milled titanium framework with a Duralay Jig. This was constructed and tried in the mouth.

During the final step, a special bite tray was used to complete a bite registration – used to assess the lip support, length of the new teeth, how your top and bottom jaw bite together, and a general smile evaluation.

Final Fit Stage

This is the final stage on the journey that patients take to receive their new smile. Michael was particularly excited, as he was one step closer to the completion of life-changing treatment.

During this stage, a wax mock-up of the patient’s teeth so was created. From mimicking the desired natural look to assessing the desired shade of the teeth, this mock-up stage allowed Dr Bagasi to see how the new smile fit Michael’s face. Michael was also shown his new smile to make sure he was happy with the results as well.

The titanium framework was then fully fitted together with the bridge.

Before and After

The treatment left Michael feeling like a new man. With his new, permanent smile, Michael was incredibly happy with the change from using an uncomfortable denture and being in a lot of pain from neglecting his teeth.

The new, fitted bridge looks considerably more natural and comfortable than the previous denture. Just take a look!

Unsure about your dental health? Call your nearest Synergy Dental Clinic and we’ll be happy to help.