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Special Needs

You will find that most dentists are happy to provide treatment to those with special needs as everyone should be able to have proper dental care regardless of their situation.

Some people would need special care and facilities in order to have this care provided, however, and usually, your doctor or dentist will be able to refer you to a clinic best suited to an individual’s needs if they are unable to provide the adequate amount of care needed. Along with the referral letter, they will also send across any x-rays and hospital letters in order to give the treating dental team an idea of the patient’s dental history.

Some dentists would also be able to perform home visits for those individuals with special needs who find it difficult getting to a surgery and some care facilities can provide sedation or general aesthetic.

It is important for the dentist to be aware of any medication that the patient is taking and their medical history. The dentist may also ask for their doctor’s name and about any allergies or recent operations they have had – so make sure to make a note of all this information.

It is also important to ask the dentist to provide sugar-free medication (if needed) as many patients with disabilities rely on medication to help keep their condition under control.

The dentist should also be made aware of any anxieties the patient has so that they can make extra sure that they are doing everything possible to make them feel at ease.