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Synergy Dental: Make the Best of a Bad Situation

Tooth decay is an incredibly unpleasant situation to find yourself in, and it can occur most commonly from well-developed gum disease.

One of our recent patients – Jaqueline – was suffering from a chronic form of periodontal disease, which left her with a disfigured smile and lots of missing teeth.

Only having a few teeth can have massive implications on your confidence and daily life.

Jaqueline was struggling to eat due to her discomfort, and she was losing weight at an unhealthy rate because of this. She was also hesitant to ask for help as she was apprehensive to leave the house due to her growing confidence issues.

Her treatment was kept as simple as possible, and her input was encouraged throughout the entire treatment. This allowed Dr Bagasi to construct the smile that she’d been dreaming of for a long time.

Fortunately, the treatment and healing process went by without any difficulties, and there were noticeable improvements to Jaqueline’s comfort and quality of life. One noticeable difference was how Jaqueline’s confidence had been improving so quickly

For more information, contact Synergy Dental by:
Tel: 01253 348616 or 01772 252154