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Diabetes & Oral Health

The 7th April marks World Health Day which is organised by the World Health Organisation, a section of the United Nations and is a global health awareness campaign that takes place every year. Each World Health Day has a specific theme which is unique to all previous World Health Day themes. This year’s theme is all about diabetes, a condition that causes the body to stop producing insulin and their blood sugar levels rise dangerously.

Diabetes affects over 415 million people around the world, with 4 million of them in the UK, and 1 in 10 people are predicted to be affected by it by 2040. There are two types of diabetes – type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease and destroys insulin-producing cells. Type 2 arises when the body loses its ability to produce insulin – known as insulin resistance. Unlike type 1, type 2 diabetes is preventable.

Diabetes can also affect your oral health. You are three times more likely to develop oral health problems if you are diabetic, compared to those without diabetes. The most common dental problems include gingivitis (gum inflammation), the infection and inflammation of bone and ligaments, tooth decay and fungal infections. In addition to this, people with diabetes often have a harder time tasting the food and can suffer from dry mouth syndrome.

If you are suffering from diabetes, make sure to visit your dentist regularly as they will be spot any problems early on and will be able to deal with it quickly.