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Preventative Dentistry

A modern method of reducing dental problems, preventative dentistry describes the process of working with your dentist and hygienist to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If approached correctly by the patient, preventative dentistry will help teeth last longer, while avoiding the most common dental problems, including tooth decay and gum disease.

Here at Synergy, we recommend a tailored course of preventative dentistry to ensure that each patient receives relevant care and attention. Working with your assigned dentist and hygienist, you can also take part in the planning of the treatment to ensure that you’re happy with your responsibilities with regards to daily dental care.

Does preventative dentistry benefit everyone?

Preventative dentistry can benefit anyone, whether they are caring for a full set of healthy teeth or fighting to beat gum disease. Even patients who are using dentures can benefit from a tailored plan that will prevent the build up of bacteria in the mouth, reducing the chances of infection and cancer. The process is particularly beneficial for children, providing them with early education into dental care.

The process

Before you begin discussing an appropriate dental plan, your dentist will assess your teeth and gums. This is your opportunity to inform your dentist of any issues you’ve been having, although any new problems can be worked into the programme at a later date if necessary. Once you have agreed on a plan, the dentist and hygienist can get to work with your chosen treatments.

Your hygienist will take the first steps in your preventative plan, scaling and polishing your teeth to remove and plaque or tartar that has built up on and around each tooth. Once complete, your hygienist will show you how to care for your teeth to prevent future build up, discussing the brushing technique, interdental brushing or flossing and the benefits of mouthwash. Each of these techniques is aimed at reducing the build-up of bacteria and to fighting potential dental problems before their onset.

Your dentist and hygienist may also discuss your personal habits, which may be contributing to dental problems. This could include your diet, which can increase the amount of acid in your mouth, or personal habits such as smoking and drinking. Finally, your dentist will make sure that all fillings and artificial teeth are in good shape and easy to clean, to aid your daily routine. If any of your fillings need changing, your dentist may discuss a separate appointment during which your replacement can be fitted.